
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

We Need to Talk About Glee (Yes, Again.)

So, we need to talk about Glee again.  Because I am getting extremely frustrated with the messages this show is sending to relatively impressionable audiences.  Now, I know the show's average audience is 18 and up, but an 18 year old is still impressionable, and I strongly suspect that there are plenty of people younger than 18 avidly following this show.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dropping the Fluffy Pink Robe

Well, once again, Glee proudly exhibits its complete inability to portray reasonable or moderate view points.  (Please don't ask me why I watch; it's a combination of enjoying the music, and loving the drama in a train-wreck-can't-look-away sort of way.)

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Birthday Blog

I meant to write a Christmas blog, but life had other intentions, so I'm making this a birthday blog instead.  Regardless, it is a blog of celebration (and it has an alliteration, now, which automatically makes it better.)  No, not because of Christmas, or New Year's, or even my birthday, really.  It's a blog of celebration because I made it one whole year in Chicago as of last week.